ICD-10-CM Implementation Date Fast

Did you know that for every symptom or disease you experience there is a
corresponding number/code that identifies it in Medical Insurance Billing terms? This is what a Medical Biller does for physicians daily.  They have the detailedassignment to translate physician notes into medical codes so that the doctor can bill the insurance company and get paid.  The book containing these diagnosis codes is currently called ICD-9-CM International Classification of Disease.
According to the Center of Health Statistics (NCHS) ICD-10-CM will replace ICD-9-CM with full implementation on October 1, 2013.
The Implementation of ICD-10-CM, the 10th revision of the International
Classification of Disease will require a major shift for Physicians and Medical Biller/Coders!
ICD-9-CM contains approximately 13,000 diagnosis codes were as ICD-10-CM has approximately 68,000 diagnosis codes.  In addition, all codes for ICD-10-CM are alpha-numeric and can be up to 7 characters.
What does this mean to you if you are a physician or medical biller/coder? 
Since the current ICD-9-CM codes are 3-5 digits, implementation of ICD-10-CM will require extensive changes to super bills, and billing software programs to accommodate the additional digits. 
This will also require additional medical billing/coding training to familiarize
your staff with the new codes.  Medical billers/coders will need to have more depth knowledge regarding the anatomy and physiology involved in
conditions/symptoms so they can accurately assign codes. 
Unspecified? Gone!  ICD-10-CM will be specified in the level of diagnosis
codes used in day-to-day operations.
Proper coding can mean the financial success or failure of any
medical practice.  ICD-10-CM implementation is fast approaching! 
Don’t wait – get educated now!
Next week’s newsletter will be about the benefits of adopting ICD-10-CM


Marina Ihim is a Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist (CMRS) and founder of MariAnn Medical Billing Service. To receive her free CD on “The Best Medical Billing Practices” visit her website at  http://www.InsCoding.com and sign up to request your free copy. 

Marina is also available for speaking engagements.

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